5 tips for a successful crowdfunding campaign
Laure Babin
Zèta was launched in September 2020 via a crowdfunding campaign Ulule. In 1 month, 2683 pairs Alpha were pre-ordered, which allowed it to become the most funded fashion campaign on the platform!
Today, we are giving you 5 tips for a successful crowdfunding campaign.
- Bet everything on the video!
Everyone will tell you, 80% of the people who visit your project page will watch your presentation video without dwelling on your visuals (be careful, this does not mean ignore them!).
Whether you're funny, serious, or both: your video should be clear, with good picture and sound quality, and condensed enough not to exceed 2 minutes.
Laure's advice: Work on your script and detail each scene precisely in writing so that everything is clear and prepared for the day of shooting. Feel free to introduce yourself during the video: everyone wants to know who is behind this fantastic project ;-)
Findthe video here!
2) Have clear visuals!
You've never touched design and you don't have a creative streak?
Nobody asks you to be Picasso. Everything can be learned!
The important thing is to communicate precisely: some current key figures, the problem encountered, the problem to which your solution responds, the origin of the project and its founder.
Laure's advice: Not the necessary resources to afford the services of a communication agency? No worries ! Canva is an easy-to-use tool that will allow you to create quality visuals.
3) Prepare a press kit!
As we know, the media play an essential role in launching a project. Several weeks before the launch, create a database of press contacts (print and online), radio or television.
Prepare a press kit with an attractive visual, as well as a synthetic one-page press release.
Warning: it should not be sent on the day of the launch but already a few days before so that the journalist has time to plan the publication of his article. If your idea must remain secret until D-Day, do not hesitate to tell journalists to keep the information under embargo.
Do not neglect any media! Whether it's the local newspaper or a specialized media in a niche market: each is important. The more appearances you make, the more your project will have the merit of being known by all.
Laure's advice: At the end of your crowdfunding campaign, remember to add a button "I download the press kit" with a pdf link. Thus, journalists will have free access to all the necessary information and you will increase your chances of gaining visibility.
4) Communicate!
No one should learn that you are launching your crowdfunding campaign on D-Day. For social networks, organize a retro-planning of the various publications and stories.
The secret? Make people want without revealing too much. Mini-teaser, blurred photos or even riddles... make the suspense last until D-Day.
Laure's advice: Prepare, organize and plan! There are sites such as Hootsuite and Planthat that will help you plan and schedule your communication actions
5) Set yourself goals!
Whether on the temporal or financial aspect, defining objectives upstream allows you to consolidate your project.
Your campaign should be long enough to allow you to create a certain momentum around your project and thus reach enough people to achieve your launch objectives.
But not too much so that your momentum doesn't run out of steam...
Laure's advice: Do not hesitate to detail the development of your financial objectives step by step (how this campaign will help you!) in order to ensure total transparency and motivate your community to engage with you.
The cards are now in your hands: it's up to you!