Take the leap towards more ethical fashion!
Laure Babin
Overconsumption that has a cruel impact on our daily lives.
A few figures to understand:
- Over 40% of the clothes we buy are rarely if ever worn (and therefore remain buried in our closets)
- 74% of French people consider that the price of an ethical fashion product is a barrier.
- There are 4 traditional collections per year depending on the season. Today, fast fashion offers us up to 36. These ephemeral collections lead to overproduction, but also to overconsumption.
Buying less, but better: the new challenge?
Why adopt ethical fashion?
The fashion industry, and mainly the footwear industry, is an industry that changes according to trends, generating tons of waste.
Did you know that a pair of shoes is equivalent to 14kg of CO2 emitted?
If a single pair can modify the entire functioning of our ecosystem then what would be the impact of 415 million pairs?
Alternatives exist: ethical and sustainable fashion is proof of this.
How to enter into an ethical approach?
Betting on the timeless
Fast fashion encourages us to constantly renew our wardrobe.
However, betting on timeless items with durable materials is a long-term investment. Trends are never eternal: favoring clothes with materials that do not use chemical manufacturing is a first step towards more respectful fashion.
Buy at the right price
Buying at “fair value” means taking into account every stakeholder involved in the design of your clothes.
Unlike fast fashion, ethical fashion involves fair wage conditions and bans mass consumption.
Reducing its environmental impact
Excessive water consumption, chemical waste discharges, cotton growing, material creations... The fashion industry pollutes and we know it. Limiting its impact has become an emergency. Every year, more than 93 billion m3 of water is used by the fast fashion industry.
Betting on transparency
Transparency is key. As consumers, action comes before marketing. A company that communicates in order to exist and share its qualities, faults and values is a company that assumes its choices.
What is an ethical shoe?
An ethical shoe is made with sustainable and/or local materials. It is created with respect for the environment, that of animals and people.
An ethical shoe can integrate upcycling and waste recycling into its design in order to limit the impact of so-called “classic” shoes. Beyond the environmental aspect, an ethical shoe brand chooses to work with factories that are concerned about the well-being of their employees. Ethical shoes are made with respect for Human Rights.
Zèta, your ethical shoe brand.
Buy less, but better: that's the bet we've taken on.
By manufacturing eco-responsible shoes, we have made the bet to create sustainable shoes.Rather than using petroleum-derived materials such as polyester or drawing on already limited natural resources, we have selected quality recycled materials such as cork or grape marcWorking in short circuits allows us to reduce transport between our various intermediaries and to minimize our carbon footprint. Designed in Bordeaux, our shoes are made in a small family workshop in Portugal.
Knowing your partners and who makes your shoes changes everything!
Find our ethical shoes for women and men here.