Gift card


Do you want to give a Zèta gift? You're right, it's the best way to please.

Now, if you don't know which pair to choose (it's true that there are choices), no problem! The Zèta dematerialized gift card is THE solution.

All you have to do is choose the amount of your choice and the lucky person who receives this card will be able to order the pair of their choice!


As for how this card works, nothing could be simpler.

Once the amount has been selected and added to the basket, all you have to do is finalize the payment.

Immediately after ordering, you will receive it by email. You then just have to send it to the desired person, or print it to offer it physically. 💌

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Présentation de la carte cadeau Zèta, pour des baskets vegan en matériaux recyclés
Gift card

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